Da ich mal wieder eine Babykarte brauchte, habe ich eins der niedlichen Babies aus dem Set "Diaper Crew" verwendet. Das Motiv habe ich auf naturfarbenem Papier mit Prismacolor-Stiften koloriert.
Hello my dears! After a short break we are now back every Thursday with a new challenge at Mo's Digital Pencil! This week it's me who brings you along a new theme. I ask you to make sth "For boys/men". This is not that difficult, is it? Mo Manning has so many gorgeous images for every occasion. As I needed a baby card again, I chose one of the cute babies from the set "Diaper Crew". Once again I coloured the image with Prismacolor pencils on kraft cardstock.
Nun viel Spaß bei der Challenge und nicht vergessen: Es muss ein Motiv von Mo Manning sein und pro 25 Teilnehmer werden 5$-Gutscheine für Mo's shop verlost!
So, now I hope that you will have a lot of fun with this challenge! And don't forget: You have to use an image from Mo Manning and among every 25 entries one 5$-shopping spree for her shop Mo's shop will be drawn. Liebe Grüße - hugs,

Stamps&Fun=Creativity (Baby), The Cutie Pie Ch. (Cute for Boys), Bunny Zoe Crafts (Sth. Blue), Paper Crafint Journey (for a boy), Deep Ocean Ch. (Baby), Fab'n' Funky (Button), Creative Inspirations (Fave Stamp Brand: Mo's Digital Pencil), Allsorts Challenge Blog (Buttons), Simon Wednesday Ch. (Anything goes), Kreativer Bastelblog (Alles geht), Cute Card Thursday (Ribbon)