Ich finde ja die relativ neuen Hexen von Mo so niedlich, daher wollte ich gern die "Little Witch" einweihen. Allerdings auf einer Geburtstagskarte, die eine Freundin meiner Tochter bekommt. Die Mädels stehen gerade total auf Hexiges und Vampiriges - natürlich ohne dabei die Pferde zu vernachlässigen! ;-) Passend zum Motiv konnte ich auch endlich die coolen Fledermäuse und die Bäume benutzen. Das sind Stanzen von Memory Box und warteten schon etwas länger auf ihren Einsatz...
Hello lovelies! Today we actually already have the last day of October! So, Happy Halloween for those of you who celebrate it! By the way, Halloween or Fantasy is also our new challenge theme at Mo's Digital Pencil, thought up very suiting by our wonderful Debbie. So, show us your eerily wonderful fantastic projects with an image from Mo Manning. You know, the variety is endless!
The fairly new witches from Mo are so cute, therefore I wanted to inaugurate the "Little Witch". However, I used her for a birthday card, which is for my daughter's bestie. Currently, the girls totally go for everything witchy and vampiry - of course, without neglecting horses! ;-) Suitable for the image I finally could use the cool batties and trees. These are dies from Memory Box and they already waited long time for their first use...
Trefft eure schwere Qual der Wahl zwischen all den tollen Motiven von Mo Manning und los geht's. Pro 25 Teilnehmer werden wie immer 5$-Gutscheine für Mo's shop verlost!
******* Make up your difficult choice among all the fantastic images from Mo Manning and get started. As usual among every 25 entries one 5$-shopping spree for her shop Mo's shop will be drawn.
Liebe Grüße - hugs,

Craft your passion (Halloween), Love to create (Halloween), Card Mania (Halloween), Bunny Zoe Ch. (Ribbon), Loves Rubberstamps (Halloween), Simon Says Ch. (Anything goes), Stampin' for the Weekend (Spooky), Allsorts Ch. Blog (Tree), Totally Gorjuss (Spooky), Shapes and More (Halloween), Stempelträume(Halloween), Daring Cardmakers (Spooky Birthday), Crafty Ribbons Ch. (Anything goes w. ribbon), Basteltraum (Halloween)