- Beginnen wir mit den Challenges auf dem Mo's Digital Pencil Blog:
Heute läuft unsere letzte wöchentliche Challenge! Das Designteam hat sich dazu entschlossen, den Challengerythmus auf zweiwöchentlich zu ändern, damit ihr Bastler etwas mehr Zeit habt am aktuellen Thema teilzunehmen und somit evtl. auch besser mit anderen Challengeblogs zu kombinieren (viele haben ja mittlerweile einen zweiwöchentlichen Takt).
Ab nächster Woche laufen die Challenges immer im 2-Wochen-Rythmus, d.h. in diesem Monat beginnt jeweils am 13. und dann wieder am 27. März eine neue Challenge. Auf dem Challengeblog findet ihr immer rechts oben in der Sidebar eine Vorschau auf Termine und Themen.
- Und nun kommen wir zu ganz aufregenden Neuigkeiten:
Bronte & Bella "errichten" ein neues CLUBHOUSE...
Am 15. März 2014 ist große "Eröffnung"!
Das Clubhouse wird eine "Geschlossene Gruppe" sein ... potentielle Mitglieder müssen eine Bestätigung durch den Administrator anfordern. Die Mitgliedschaft beginnt am Samstag, 15. März um 15 Uhr.
Als Clubhouse-Mitlglied kannst du:
Als Clubhouse-Mitlglied kannst du:
- In monatlichen "Vorzeige" challenges (immer "Anything goes", Start 1. April) teilnehmen ... mit der Gewinnchance auf einen Gastdesign-Platz für einen Monat!
- Mit vielen Künstlern und Bastlern "abhängen" (auch über den Kartenbereich hinaus)
- Neue Freunde treffen und alte wiederfinden!
- Neue Basteltechniken lernen!
- An Spielen & Wettbewerben teilnehmen ... mit Preisen!
- Zugang haben zu Überraschungen, die du nirgendwo anders finden wirst!!
- Und noch Vieles mehr erleben!
Weitere Details findet ihr auf dem Challengeblog, gern könnt ihr auch Fragen stellen!
Hello and a hearty welcome to a new challenge week at Mo's Digital Pencil! But before we come to the current challenge, I would like to inform you about some important and fantastic news.
- Let's beginn with the challenges on the blog:Today is our our final "weekly" challenge! The design team decided to change the challenge rythm into a biweekly one, so you crafters will have some more time to participate and maybe also to combine with other challenges (as many blogs switched to a fortnightly tact).So from next week on we also will have a twice/month schedule...with a challenge starting on March 13th and the second one on March 27th. On the challenge blog in the right top corner of the sidebar you can find a preview on dates and themes.
- And now on to the most exiting news:
Bronte & Bella are "building" a new CLUBHOUSE...
On March 15th, 2014 will be grand opening!!
The Clubhouse will be a "Closed Group"...potential members must have administrator approval. Membership opens on Saturday, March 15th at 9 a.m. EST.
As a Clubhouse member, you will get to...
As a Clubhouse member, you will get to...
- Participate in monthly "Showcase" challenges (beginning April 1st)...with a chance to "win" a Guest Designer spot for a month!
- Hang out with fellow artists and crafters (card creators and non-card creators!)
- Meet new friends and reconnect with old ones!
- Learn new crafting techniques!
- Participate in games & contests...with prizes!
- Have access to surprises you won't find anywhere else!!
- And so much more!
You can find more details on the challenge blog or do not hesitate to ask!
Und nun noch schnell zum fast nebensächlichen - der aktuellen Challenge! ;-) In dieser Woche feiern wir den Anfang des neuen Monats noch einmal mit einer "Alles geht"-Challenge!
Bei uns stehen demnächst wieder viele Geburtstage an, daher habe ich eine Glückwunschkarte gemacht und dafür das superniedliche Motiv "Look, Ma!" verwendet. Perfekt für kleine Jungs im Kindergartenalter!
And now let's quickly go on with the quite incidental - our challenge! ;-) This week once more we celebrate the beginning of the new month with an "Anything goes" challenge! We have many upcoming bithdays the next weeks, so I created a birthday card by using the super cute image "Look, Ma!". Just perfect for little boys of kindergarden age!
Ich bin sehr gespannt auf eure Ideen. Trefft eure schwere Qual der Wahl zwischen all den tollen Motiven von Mo Manning und los geht's. Wie immer habt ihr die Chance auf einen Shopping-Gutschein für ihren Onlineshop in Höhe von 5$ (pro 25 Einträgen wird ein Gutschein verlost).
I can't wait to see what you come up with. Make up your difficult choice among all the fantastic images from Mo Manning and get started. As always you have the chance to win a 5$ shopping spree at Mo's store given for every 25 entries.Liebe Grüße - hugs,

Make it Monday (Everything goes), Papertake Weekly (Anything goes), Loves Rubberstamps (Anything goes), Crafty Creations Ch. (Happy Birthday), Divas by Design (for boys), Kartenallerlei (Stanzer), Crafty Little Fairies (Movie or Song: Bicycle from Queen), Totally Gorjuss (Birthday), Crafts And Me (Anything goes)
24 Kommentare/comments °°°°°°°°:
Fabulous card Anja and your colouring is stunning. Love the very boyish design too. hugs, Pat K x
What a fantastic card! I love everything about it. Your colouring is amazing and I love the backing papers you chose to go with your image. Perfection! Lx
Amazing coloring & great design! :)
Have a lovely day...
...und wiedermal ne zuckersüße Karte von dir.....
och ne, was ist das für einschnuckellige motiv. schön, dass ihr beim kartenallerlei mitmacht.
danke schön und viel erfolg bei der challenge.
glg meggi
Wow, this is stunning! Beautiful design and your coloring is just gorgeous! Thanks so much for joining our challenge over at Loves Rubberstamps! :)
Wow awesome card, love the design and the fab image, your colouring is awesome too, thanks for sharing it with us at crafts and me, hugs Liz xx
Ohh wow Anja the coloring is so adorable it looks like in a comic book...ADORABLE IMAGE AND COLORING and lovely DP too...gefaellt mir sehr deine Karte...muss mann mit MOE Image eine karte basteln wenn man teilnehmen moechte? Bitte eine kurze antwort liebe Anja..
I see your creation on Make It Monday (MIM), my card is #177, if you would like to see it on my blog and if you would like to leave me some love I would be glad...hugs, Monika
Such a great card and fantastic colouring. Thank you for sharing and joining in with the fun at Totally Gorjuss this week, and good luck in the challenge. Hugs Janine xx
OH MY your coloring is wonderful. I saw your card on MIM. I had to take a closer look it almost looks like a photo because it's colored so well. It's amazing. I love this card and it's just stunning. So glad I got a closer look at your beautiful work. Hugs
Gorgeous! Stunning! Amazing! Out of this world! This card rocks! xx Becky
I love your coloring here, so pretty! Thanks for joining Loves Rubberstamps Challenge :)
Great coloring! Love this! Saw it on MIM and had to come get a closer look. :)
Diese Karte ist ein Traum..Ich liebe die Stempel und "colouring", ich bin froh das du mitmachts bei loves Rubberstamps,
LG Blankina
Been having a quick bit of blog hopping, checked out MIM where I saw your AMAZING card, Oh my word lady, your colouring is out of this world! I'm interested to know what medium you used. I've just converted from Copics to Polychromos so any advice would be gratefully received;) So glad I saw this, Julie.x
Really cute card Anja! Wonderful coloring on this cute image. Thanks for joining us at Papertake Weekly :)
Awesome male card - stunning colouring and fabulous DP's
Love the LO too :o)
Thanks for playing along with The Divas this week.
Good luck.
Debs xx
What a fabulous card, Anja! Your colouring of the cute image is amazing, and I love your design.
Thank you for entering our challenge at Crafty Little Fairies, and good luck in the draw. We would also love you to join us again in future challenges.
Jennifer. x
Jennifer. x
OMGosh so very cute and I love the fabulous design. Thanks for playing with us over at Loves Rubberstamps!!!
I just find myself staring at every little detail on this card Anja. You have done a phenomenal coloring job. I have been watching your coloring skills grow and grow. I think this is my favorite of all time from you....for now. :-) Hugs!
Sweetie. Another amazing card. Love the way color with the pencils. Oh my. I know I say every week- I am just drawn to it. Your card is stunning as always.
Such a gorgeous card!! Love the image and your coloring is super!!
Totally love your "Happy Birthday" card. Thanks for joining us at Crafty Creations. Good luck with Mr. Random and I hope you get to join us again real soon.
Genial ist deine Karte geworden und HAMMER ist deine Coloration.
Vielen Dank auch fürs Mitmachen bei Crafts & ME.
xoxo Clarissa
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