Hierfür habe ich mich an den wunderschönen Sketch von "Papertake Weekly" gehalten und zu Süßigkeiten passt dieses niedliche Motiv von Penny Black natürlich hervorragend! Somit trifft meine Karte/Verpackung auch das Thema "Someone Special" der Challenge von "Penny Black Saturday".
A few times ago I spot a "Toffifee-card" in the www. This means a packing handmade with the help of the Scor-Pal for a box of Toffifee (German sweets, I don't know if it's available in other countries too...). And this packing can be opened like a card, so you can find a little greeting inside.
I used the wonderful sketch at "Papertake Weekly" and sure the cute motive from Penny Black goes excellently with sweets! Therefore my card/packing also fits to the challenge at "Penny Black Saturday".
Aber seht selbst/But have a look yourselves:

Liebe Grüße and hugs,